Prediksi US Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD TA 2015/2016
Prediksi US Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD TA 2015/2016
My School
This is my school. The headmaster is in the office. There is a library near a classroom; My school has a schoolyard and a toilet. In the yard there is a flag. There is a teacher in front of the classroom and there are students in the garden.
1. Where is the headmaster? He is in ........
A. the classroom
B. the office
C. library
D. toilet
2. There is a ... near a classrom.
A. classrom
B. office
C. library
D. toilet
3. My school has ........
A. a schoolyard and a toilet
B. a classroom
C. toilet and waitingroom
D. toilet and bench .
4. Who is in front of classroom? He is ........
A. headmaster
B. a teacher
C. student
D. schoolguard
Hotel is a place for travelers to stay. People need the place to live in several days, weeks or month. When we are going to stay at the hotel, we have to register our name to the receptionist in front of the office.
5. Hotel is place for ........
A. receptionist
B. porter
C. traveler
D. room boy
6. People need the place to live at the hotel for ........
A. several days
B. all days
C. all month
D. all weeks
7. What does the receptionist do?
The receptionist ........
A. Sweps the floor
B. register our name
C. guides us to our room
D. serves us some food
8. It is a ........
A. windi
B. cloudy
C. rainy day
D. suny day
9. What season if thhw trees, houses and land become wet? It is ........
A. dry season
B. rainy season
C. windy
D. cloudy
10. This is Mr. Koko. He is ........
A. teacher
B. soldier
C. policeman
D. schoolguard
11. Lala is studying English in the classroom. She is a ........
A. student
B. singer
C. actress
D. athlete
12. Ucil and Pampam are playing in the yard. They are playing ........
A. football
B. marbles
C. cricket
D. kite
13. The boys are in the field. They are ... football.
A. play
B. plays
C. played
D. playing
14. Agil ... playing computer game.
A. has
B. am
C. are
D. is
15. Josua has ........
A. two cocks
B. two ducks
C. two bird
D. two hens
16. Is this a bird? ... It is a butterfly
A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, it is not
C. No, it is not
D. No, it is
17. Mr. Akbar has many hens. His hens give him some ........
A. milk
B. Feather
C. Eggs
D. Skin
18. This food is ........
A. jelly
B. water
C. cake
D. ice cream
19. Do you like chocolate? Yes, ........
A. I done
B. 1 does
C. I did
D. I do
20. My mother ... in the kitchen everyday.
A. cooks
B. cook
C. cooked
D. cooking
21. eating - like -some - I cake
A. I like some eating cake
B. I eating like some cake
C. I like eating some cake
D. I like some cake eating
22. Where is Mrs. Emi going ? She is going to the ........
A. office
B. market
C. movie
D. school
23. Where can you get any food if you hungry? I can get some food in ........
A. hospital
B. school
C. post office
D. restaurant
24. How do you go to Surabaya I go there by ........
A. train
B. car
C. plane
D. boat
25. have - lunch - we - to - want
A. We have to want lunch
B. We lunch to have want
C. We want to lunch have
D. We want to have lunch
26. Mr. Maman is explaining the lesson in classroom. He is a ........
A. doctor
B. farmer
C. teacher
D. typist
27. A nurse work at a ........
A. library
B. office
C. school
D. hospital
28. Mr. Hamid brings a truck. He is a ........
A. driver
B. pilot
C. sailor
D. mechanic
29. Mr. Cule is working. He makes table, chairs and cupboard.
He also makes doors and windows. He is ........
A. gardener
B. barber
C. baker
D. carpenter
30. Mr. Undang is careful. He is not ........
A. angry
B. stupid
C. careless
D. bad - tempered
31. Everybody like Miss. Bela Safira, because sheds ........
A. pretty
B. lazy
C. ugly
D. careless
32. How many planets in space? There area ........
A. eight
B. nine
C. ten
D. eleven
33. You save your money in the ........
A. laboratory
B. workshop
C. bank
D. supermarket
34. We do riot live on the moon, but we live on the ........
A. earth
B. sun
C. comet
D. star
35. The nearest planet to the sun is Mercury and the farthest is ........
A. Pluto
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Venus
36. The satellite of the earth is called moon. The moon goes round the ........
A. star
B. earth
C. sun
D. mars
37. the - is - where - bank?
A. Where is the bank?
B. Where the bank is?
C. Is where the bank?
D. Where the is bank?
38. Pangandaran is locate in ........
A. East Java
B. Central Java
C. West Java
D. Bali
39. The month after March is ........
A. July
B. May
C. April
D. June
40. The most beautiful souvenir in Bali is ........
A. handicraft
B. statue
C. puppet
D. pottery
Prediksi US Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD TA 2015/2016
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